Reposition Layers

Source: DrDOS

  • Select a corner (top/bottom, left/right)
  • Select vertical or horizontal stacking
  • Enter stacking offset

Selected layers are stacked in the corner.

tell application "Pixelmator Pro"
	tell its front document
		-- Prompt for which corner to use
		set dlgY to (display dialog "Select Top/Bottom:" buttons {"Top", "Bottom"} default button 1)
		set dlgX to (display dialog "Select Left/Right:" buttons {"Left", "Right"} default button 1)
		set userLocY to (button returned of dlgY)
		set userLocX to (button returned of dlgX)
		set userLoc to userLocY & userLocX
		set x_prop_offset to 0 -- % x position offset between selected layers
		set y_prop_offset to 0 -- % y position offset between selected layers
		-- Get selected layers and unpack one level of selected groups
		set sel_lays to selected layers
		set sel_lay to {}
		set counter to 0
		repeat with clay in sel_lays
			if (class of clay) is group layer then
				set lays to layers of clay
				set lays to {clay}
			end if
			repeat with lay in lays
				copy lay to the end of sel_lay
			end repeat
		end repeat
		-- Prompt for vertical spacing relative to the height of the first layer
		if (count of sel_lay) is greater than 1 then
			set userOrient to (button returned of (display dialog "Select stacking orientation:" buttons {"Vertical", "Horizontal"} default button 1))
			if userOrient is "Vertical" then
				set spacingPrompt to "Enter offset as % height of adjacent layer:"
				set spacingPrompt to "Enter offset as % width of adjacent layer:"
			end if
				set dialogResult to (display dialog spacingPrompt default answer "100")
					set userNumber to (text returned of dialogResult) as integer
					exit repeat
				end try
				display dialog "Needs a valid integer." buttons {"Enter again", "Cancel"} default button 1
			end repeat
			if userOrient is "Vertical" then
				set y_prop_offset to userNumber
				set x_prop_offset to userNumber
			end if
		end if
		-- Set the stack
		repeat with i from 1 to count of sel_lay
			set lay to item i of sel_lay
			if i is greater than 1 then
				-- set location of stacked layers realtive to each other
				set prev to item (i - 1) of sel_lay
				set prev_pos to position of prev
				set x_offset to (x_prop_offset * (width of prev)) / 100
				set y_offset to (y_prop_offset * (height of prev)) / 100
				if userLocX is "Left" then
					set xloc to x_offset + (item 1 of prev_pos)
					set xloc to -x_offset + (item 1 of prev_pos)
				end if
				if userLocY is "Top" then
					set yloc to y_offset + (item 2 of prev_pos)
					set yloc to -y_offset + (item 2 of prev_pos)
				end if
				set position of lay to {xloc, yloc}
				-- set location according to user prompt
				if userLoc = "TopLeft" then
					set position of lay to {0, 0}
				else if userLoc = "TopRight" then
					set position of lay to {0 + (width) - (width of lay), 0}
				else if userLoc = "BottomLeft" then
					set position of lay to {0, 0 + (height) - (height of lay)}
				else if userLoc = "BottomRight" then
					set position of lay to {0 + (width) - (width of lay), 0 + (height) - (height of lay)}
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

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